Gear & Supplies
One of the main factors in you having an adventure of a lifetime or just surviving a weekend in the woods is your gear. SOA will make sure you are outfitted and prepared optimally for your adventure so you can make those memories you have been thinking about. We take an ultralight and multi-purpose approach to the equipment and supplies you will be packing. Ounces add up to pounds and unneeded pounds add up to unneeded struggles.
SOA will provide everything you will need to hike, camp, sleep, eat, drink, and even poop except for your clothing, hygiene items, and the snacks you will be bringing for yourself. We will provide a checklist for you to follow when selecting your personal items. It is in your best interest to follow this checklist. One of the most common mistakes people make when packing for their adventure is "overpacking". Don't be one of those people.
First, let's talk about the gear SOA will be providing for you. The backpacking gear and equipment you will be using are high quality, dependable, durable, and comfortable. We will also be providing all of your meals so that you will have the proper nutrition and energy to complete your Adventure. To get started, we will have you fill out a quick form so we know the specific gear and food to prepare for you.
Next, lets go over what you need to bring on your Adventure. You and your Squad will be responsible for bringing your own clothes, hygeine products and food (which we cover further down this page).
When it comes to clothing you will need to think layers. Several compact layers will prepare you for almost any weather condition we may run across during your Adventure. Your clothes are your main line of defense against the cold, heat, wind, rain, snow, etc. Use the link below to download the "Your Gear Checklist". This will be your guide to packing the right clothing and fabric for your Adventure.​
"SOA Gear & Food"
"your Gear"
"Your Food"
As we mentioned above, SOA will provide all your meals for you adventure. We will modify your meals to your specifications. In addition to your meals you will need snacks. Since, no one knows your taste buds like you, you are in charge of your snacks. Use the link below and download the "Your Food Checklist". This document will not only tell what you need, but tell why you need it. It would be in your best interest to follow the details and quanities for your snacks.